2 WEEKS - 13 July 2010

Another doctor's appointment. By now I'm a pro with the stroller and my mom's coming along, so no worries at all. The girls are weighed and the nurse looks at the umbilical cord. I ask my 10.000 questions, and 30 minutes later we're done. Once again everything was perfect, once again I'm so proud of my little girls!
Barcelona is experiencing a heat-wave and we have been adviced not to take the girls out. I decide to take advantage of this little excursion to go a few blocks further and show them off at work. As luck would have it, the 3 people I really wanted to see were having a meeting, which was of course interrupted the second I walked through the door. For 20 minutes we were showered with compliments - the girls were sleeping and on their best behaviour, looking like 2 little angels. It was wonderful seeing everyone from work again, and it was wonderful leaving without having to work. Time to go home and enjoy another afternoon and evening with my family - my daughters, my husband and my parents.

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