2 YEARS & 6 MONTHS - 30 Dec 2012

Wow, 2,5 years already! And it's a GREAT age! So much has happened in the past month. First of all, we are diaper-free!! Well, they still sleep with diapers, but except for that there are no more diapers in our lives. We conquered the pooping-problem by giving them 2 pieces of candy each whenever one of them pooped on the toilet. After a few weeks they got only one piece of candy, until we ran out of candy for a few days and it was, very conveniently, Christmas so we couldn't buy more candy (at least that's what we told them....). Now they just poop on the toilet because that's what big girls do!
They also talk loads more, and are easier to understand and communicate with. They behave themselves really well when we go out, both of them at the same time, and listen to what we tell them. Maybe it has to do with them being able to communicate better, we can understand 100% what they want and need, and can consider their needs much easier when we're out. Maybe that makes everything less frustrating for them, and it's easier to be happy and behave?
We had a lovely Christmas and Liva and Laia of course got loads of nice presents, they play on their own much more, and Christmas eve when we were at my brother's, all the kids were on their own playing in my niece's and nephew's rooms. It was wonderful, and one of the first times we we could all sit as adults and enjoy some adult conversation. I don't know if it's the age or the new toys that has brought it on, maybe it's a mixture of both. Regardless, we love it!
Camila has been to babysit once this week, Liva and Laia loved her, didn't care about me when I came home from work after having been gone for 8 hours, and cried when Camila had to go home. So she's a success, and we're so happy to have found someone to help out!
All in all, 2013 seems to be a good year for us. But I must admit, I think we deserve it, 2012 has not been easy!

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