Laia is doing somewhat better, she still has on-and-off fever and is on penicilin, but she's eating and active again. I am sure she's going to be a gymnast when she grows up, no doubt about it! She loves climbing onto things, into things, over things, she loves being up-side-down, being swung in her arms or legs - preferably up-side-down - she basically loves anything that involves body movement. She can now get up from a sitting position and walk a couple of meters on her own.
Liva is not quite a agile.... She tries, she still walks around all over the house with her little walker, and loves it - until she hits a wall or some furniture and can't get any further. She takes about 1 step on her own when we practice walking with her, and gets so proud you'd think she had just managed a marathon. She desperately tries to climb onto the same things as her sister, but doesn't quite manage. She can get onto most of our chairs by now, Laia can also get onto our bed and the couch (when she has something to pull herself up with, the couch is quite high), and Laia climbs into the stroller on her own.
The most important thing, though, is that they are incredibly happy! They laugh when they walk - with or without help - they laugh when they climb on things, regardless of whether they actually get up or not, and they laugh when we play with them. Even when they fall off furniture, strollers or just their own feet, it takes very little to get them to stop crying and be happy again. I think they know they are adored, they feel safe, and they know that when they fall and hurt themselves someone will come rushing to pick them up and hold them. And I deeply believe that these are the most important feelings in life - love and security. I try to give my daughters and my husband those feelings every day!
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