1 YEAR & almost 4 MONTHS - 27 Oct 2011
For the second day in row, Liva and Laia napped for 2½ hours this afternoon! I love it!! They wake up at 6:00 in the morning again (I did prefer 7!), refuse to go down for a nap a few hours later, are dead tired by 12-ish, so have lunch around 12:30. By 13:00 they are in bed, 5 minutes later they are sound asleep. They still fall asleep around 19:00 at night, I guess that's why they wake up at 6:00. I think tonight I'll try putting them down later - I gave them a bigger snack than normal when they woke up from their nap, in the hope that we could do dinner a bit later. But regardless, I do love these long afternoon naps! :)
1 YEAR & almost 4 MONTHS - 25 Oct 2011
I haven't been writing lately, coz there really isn't much to tell. Liva and Laia are wonderful, every day more so. They get easier and easier to communicate with, they're starting to answer questions correctly, and love showing us what they want - they'll take our hand, pull us into the kitchen and point at the cookies, or they'll grab themselves between the legs and say "caca".
I have been dieting for 2 weeks, and considering how little I'm actually doing for this "diet", I'm positively surprised that I've lost 1½ kilos. It'll be hard to reach my goal at this rate, but oh well... I am finally starting to shake my cold, which means I can start exercising soon. On Friday we were told that this big change we have been hoping for won't happen this time around. It's a shame, but it means we can get on with our lives here, and that - among other things - I can sign up at a gym. That should help.
We're looking for a new babysitter - again. Anne Louise informed us today that she'll be moving back to Denmark early December. My mother-in-law will probably retire at the end of January, but we can't count on her to come here 5 days a week for 3-4 hours, she's going to want time for herself as well. But she'd be happy to come some days for 3-4 hours, which will be a great help - we can combine her and a babysitter and I can have even more free time!
There are quite a few small changes in the air, I hope that by the end of the year we'll have everything sorted out. As long as we are all healthy and Liva and Laia are happy, that's all that matters to me!
I have been dieting for 2 weeks, and considering how little I'm actually doing for this "diet", I'm positively surprised that I've lost 1½ kilos. It'll be hard to reach my goal at this rate, but oh well... I am finally starting to shake my cold, which means I can start exercising soon. On Friday we were told that this big change we have been hoping for won't happen this time around. It's a shame, but it means we can get on with our lives here, and that - among other things - I can sign up at a gym. That should help.
We're looking for a new babysitter - again. Anne Louise informed us today that she'll be moving back to Denmark early December. My mother-in-law will probably retire at the end of January, but we can't count on her to come here 5 days a week for 3-4 hours, she's going to want time for herself as well. But she'd be happy to come some days for 3-4 hours, which will be a great help - we can combine her and a babysitter and I can have even more free time!
There are quite a few small changes in the air, I hope that by the end of the year we'll have everything sorted out. As long as we are all healthy and Liva and Laia are happy, that's all that matters to me!
1 YEAR & 3½ MONTHS - 19 Oct 2011
We made it to France and it was great! It was a lot colder than I had expected, I had brought enough clothes for the girls but Albert and I were freezing. We left Friday afternoon, Liva and Laia were awake the first hour or so, then we stopped for food and shortly after we started driving again Liva fell asleep. Laia was awake the whole time, looking out the window or playing with the toys we had brought. We arrived at the apartment around 19:00, got the beds and everything ready, Lit up the fireplace, gave Liva and Laia some food, let them play for a while and put them to bed around 20:30. Albert and I had dinner, relaxed, talked, had a nice evening. The night was rough, Liva and Laia didn't sleep well and we were up many times.
Saturday we went to an animal park with wild animals - bears, wild boar, deer, etc. In the afternoon we relaxed at the apartment. Sunday we went to a market in a little village close to the apartment, then to a bigger town on the way bac to Barcelona. We drove back to Barcelona just after lunch, Liva and Laia slept the whole way.
This week has been a bit rough, Liva, Laia and I are all still sick, can't shake this cold we have. Anne Louise is in Denmark, so I've been juggeling Liva and Laia, work, the cats and the house again. Luckily Anne Louise is back in Barcelona today, will be here tomorrow afternoon.
The cats are driving me nuts, they can't live in the same house after Tatanka fell off the roof, and we desperately need to get rid of Tomahawk! We've put up ads and asked everyone we know, but unfortunately nobody is interested in a 4-year old cat...
My diet is actually going OK - of course I didn't do much dieting in France, and I haven't exercised at all because I've been sick, but I've still managed to lose almost 1 kg. I hope we'll all soon get over these colds, and that I can start exercising a bit to speed up the weightloss.
Saturday we went to an animal park with wild animals - bears, wild boar, deer, etc. In the afternoon we relaxed at the apartment. Sunday we went to a market in a little village close to the apartment, then to a bigger town on the way bac to Barcelona. We drove back to Barcelona just after lunch, Liva and Laia slept the whole way.
Outside the apartment |
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Animal park |
In a little French village |
In a small town on the way back |
This week has been a bit rough, Liva, Laia and I are all still sick, can't shake this cold we have. Anne Louise is in Denmark, so I've been juggeling Liva and Laia, work, the cats and the house again. Luckily Anne Louise is back in Barcelona today, will be here tomorrow afternoon.
The cats are driving me nuts, they can't live in the same house after Tatanka fell off the roof, and we desperately need to get rid of Tomahawk! We've put up ads and asked everyone we know, but unfortunately nobody is interested in a 4-year old cat...
My diet is actually going OK - of course I didn't do much dieting in France, and I haven't exercised at all because I've been sick, but I've still managed to lose almost 1 kg. I hope we'll all soon get over these colds, and that I can start exercising a bit to speed up the weightloss.
1 YEAR & 3½ MONTHS - 12 Oct 2011
Liva and Laia are sick, poor little things! Liva has had fever on and off since Sunday morning. Today, especially this afternoon, it really hit her. We've been out most of the day, came home around 17:00, Liva was completely out of it, either crying or half sleeping on one of us. Laia woke up last night around 22:00 with a horrible cough which clearly hurts, and it seems she has a sore throat as well. We gave them an early dinner, a quick bath, and by 18:00 they were both in bed - we changed Liva twice since she cried so much and was so exhausted after the bath that she threw up all over herself. Now they're sound asleep, hopefully they'll be better again tomorrow. I hate when they're sick - but which parent doesn't?!
My diet is going okay....
Day 1: Everything went fine all day, until 21:30 when we had a lovely chocolate-raspberry cake-dessert which Albert had bought to celebrate our 3-year anniversary.
Day 2: Has gone well, except for 3 cookies at my brother-in-law's house when we all went there for coffee in the afternoon.
This weekend we're going away for the first time to a place which is not Denmark, and we're soooo looking forward to it. I hope Liva and Laia will be OK, otherwise we probably won't be able to go. We've rented a car with car-seats for Liva and Laia, and are borrowing my brother-in-law's apartment in the south of France for the weekend. The plan is to leave Friday afternoon when Albert finishes work, and come home Sunday afternoon. It would be the first time the four of us would go away for a weekend like this, I really hope it'll work out!
My diet is going okay....
Day 1: Everything went fine all day, until 21:30 when we had a lovely chocolate-raspberry cake-dessert which Albert had bought to celebrate our 3-year anniversary.
Day 2: Has gone well, except for 3 cookies at my brother-in-law's house when we all went there for coffee in the afternoon.
This weekend we're going away for the first time to a place which is not Denmark, and we're soooo looking forward to it. I hope Liva and Laia will be OK, otherwise we probably won't be able to go. We've rented a car with car-seats for Liva and Laia, and are borrowing my brother-in-law's apartment in the south of France for the weekend. The plan is to leave Friday afternoon when Albert finishes work, and come home Sunday afternoon. It would be the first time the four of us would go away for a weekend like this, I really hope it'll work out!
1 YEAR & 3½ MONTHS - 11 Oct 2011
Today is our 3-year wedding anniversary! This means that today it's exactly 2 years since I got pregnant. It's about 15½ months since Liva and Laia were born. I don't have any excuse for still carrying around 4 kgs more than before I got pregnant! Or 6 kgs more than our wedding day 3 years ago. I know it's not a lot, but it's the difference between being able to fit the clothes in the closet or having to buy new close. The difference between looking at pictures from the wedding and honeymoon and thinking "that's what I want to look like" and looking at recent pictures thinking "I don't want anyone else to see these pictures". The difference between feeling good about myself and trying to avoid looking in the mirror.
So here's the plan: Lose the weight! :)
GOAL: lose 4 kilos by 7 November (Albert's birthday)
DREAM: lose 6-7 kilos by 1 December
So here's the plan: Lose the weight! :)
GOAL: lose 4 kilos by 7 November (Albert's birthday)
DREAM: lose 6-7 kilos by 1 December
1 YEAR & 3 MONTHS - 4 Oct 2011
On our way home from the mall this afternoon I let Liva and Laia walk on their own for a while. There's a pedestrian area, and I don't need to worry about them running out on the street. When they get to walk on their own, Laia is always really good. She comes when I call, if she goes to pick up stuff from the ground and I say "no" she leaves it, and she tends to stay more or less close to me. Liva, on the other hand, doesn't listen at all! She goes her own way, doesn't come when I call, if I go to get her she'll run off, laughing. She listens to "stop", which is great, otherwise I don't think I would've dared to let her walk on her own.
Well, this afternoon she was doing her own stuff, and I eventually had enough. I went to get her, she ran off, and when I caught her I yelled at her and carried her over to the stroller. She started crying. I continued walking, Laia came with me, Liva stayed in the middle of the pedestrian area crying. I continued walking. Laia hesistated; mom or sister? Liva continued crying. I continued walking. Laia ran back to Liva, grabbed her by the hand and pulled her in my direction. Liva started laughing, both girls started running/walking quickly, all troubles were forgotten, they were both laughing happily and wandering off together.
Well, this afternoon she was doing her own stuff, and I eventually had enough. I went to get her, she ran off, and when I caught her I yelled at her and carried her over to the stroller. She started crying. I continued walking, Laia came with me, Liva stayed in the middle of the pedestrian area crying. I continued walking. Laia hesistated; mom or sister? Liva continued crying. I continued walking. Laia ran back to Liva, grabbed her by the hand and pulled her in my direction. Liva started laughing, both girls started running/walking quickly, all troubles were forgotten, they were both laughing happily and wandering off together.
1 YEAR & 3 MONTHS - 3 Oct 2011
What have I done - Liva & Laia are addicted to Barney! They can even almost say his name! To those of you who don't know Barney, he's a huge purple dinosaur with a lot of different kinds of friends, and they do loads of singing and dancing. We have the DVD called "Barney's animal ABCs", Liva and Laia love it. We have 3 other Barney DVDs, they aren't good enough. We have loads of other DVDs for kids, none of them are accepted; it has to be Barney and the ABCs. I don't put it on much, not even every day, but they'll ask for it many times in a day - by "ask for it" I mean point to the TV, go to where the DVD player is, or grab the actual DVD while pointing wildly and making sounds that sound almost like "Barney".
I often put him on when we get home from our afternoon walk, when the girls are tired and I have to prepare dinner. They sit down in their little chairs and relax or clap and dance along, depending on how they're feeling. Barney is good entertainment, it keeps Liva and Laia hearing English, and it's educational enough that I don't feel guilty letting them watch it for a while. Actually, I recommend it to any parents with kids from about 12 months and up!
I often put him on when we get home from our afternoon walk, when the girls are tired and I have to prepare dinner. They sit down in their little chairs and relax or clap and dance along, depending on how they're feeling. Barney is good entertainment, it keeps Liva and Laia hearing English, and it's educational enough that I don't feel guilty letting them watch it for a while. Actually, I recommend it to any parents with kids from about 12 months and up!
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